Aaron and I had a good fourth of July weekend - we went to Guttenberg and saw most of my family (except my sister and her family who were off exploring South Dakota I believe?). It was not exactly how I would have wanted to spend the fourth, though, because I was sick! July 3rd I woke up with a bad headache and just felt miserable. Then, that evening I felt warm so I took my temp and it was 99.8 or something like that. On a whim I decided to check it a again, and it was 100.1. Uh oh! So I kept checking it and it went all the way up to 101 - while I was taking 800 mg of ibuprofen! Not good... The day of the fourth Aaron and I worked - he at the Marriott and I at Redhead, waiting tables. I made some good money, but then I was pooped out! We stopped at Wal-mart before we headed out of town, and I bought a new camera (the dogs basically ruined the old one). I'm a big fan of Kodak - they are so easy to use, they take nice pictures, and when you push the button to take the pictures, there is very little delay. So our new camera is the Kodak Easyshare M763, and I hope I like it as much as our old Kodak camera. Anyways, this is good news for you, my fellow blog readers, because now I have pictures to post to break up the monotony of words. :)
This is sick Megan, but the proud wife who made "dirt dessert" for her husband's birthday (we celebrated it early this past weekend with my fam). In hindsight, 6 packages of instant pudding should have raised red flags as to the amount of "dirt dessert" that it would make, but really, can you ever have too much dessert???
This is happy Aaron, very excited that his sick wife actually made dirt dessert for his birthday. :)
Aaron asked for a Honda VTX 1300 motorcycle many times for his birthday this year - somehow that doesn't quite fit in the birthday budget, but I think Mom and Dad had the right idea here... :) Someday, babe...
I have never seen a kid enjoy sweet things as much as my nephew Conner! As we were getting ready to sing happy birthday and then dish out the dessert, he would pull out a gummy worm and eat it, then another one. His brother Kyle didn't want anything to do with the gummy worms, but Conner said,"I like those worms!"
This is Conner eyeing the rest of the family getting dessert... Are they getting something I don't have??? I thought this was such a cute face.
Grandma says I need to get home more to see her. She's probably right. :) I think she is feeling much better because she was up and around all the time, doing dishes, folding laundry, playing with the kids. This is a good picture of her.
Anyways, it was a good weekend, and I did alot of sleeping and laying low to try to get rid of this bug. It drove me crazy all weekend because I lost my voice on the way to Guttenberg on Friday night, and I still don't have it back yet! (probably because I keep on talking :) ) Today is good for my voice because I'm home alone while Aaron's at work - the only ones I can talk to are Chewie and Reuben, and right now they are both napping. Speaking of Reuben and Chewie...
We've been driving all of our long trips in the car since the gas got to be about $4 a gallon, so Reuben has adapted to life in the back of the car (the seats fold down and open up to the trunk). His new favorite place to nap is in the trunk! He is a good car dog. Chewie, on the other hand...
not such a good car dog. He fights going to sleep - this is proof of that! I think he is worried he will miss out on something if he goes to sleep in the car.
Well, that was our weekend! This weekend is officially Aaron's birthday, so we'll have to see what I can come up with to surprise him a little. He always figures out what he's getting for his birthday, so I'll have to be tricky! :)
Hope you all have a good week!