Thursday, April 28, 2011

Three weeks old!

Henry is three weeks old, and the theme of the past few days is that he's been waking up! He's getting into a routine of being awake for a nice bit of time in the morning and then little patches throughout the day. Last night he did a 3.5 hour stretch for me. Usually I don't check the clock because it gets a little depressing seeing how little sleep I'm getting, but I did look last night and that was fairly encouraging. I have no expectations for a solid night of sleep for quite awhile - Wyatt didn't sleep through the night until he was 6 months old! (I know the "experts" say a 5 hour stretch is sleeping through the night - that's silly. No adult would call 5 hours of sleep a solid night's sleep. :) )
And Wyatt is still his silly old self. Tuesday and today he has stayed home from daycare - it's a little crazy in our house when I'm by myself with the two of them. I'm getting used to it though, and figuring out ways to still take a shower. :) Wyatt gets a little jealous now and then when I'm holding the baby and he wants my attention. Many times I'm able to put Henry in the bouncy chair and give Wyatt some undivided attention, but then many times I'm feeding the baby. He still loves to give the baby kisses and poke him in they eye... We're working on that! :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Random stuff

Henry had a really stressful day, as you can see by this picture. It's hard being a baby. All that eating, sleeping, and pooping can really get you down.

This is how we play with stickers at our house - first you take off your pants, and then you stick the stickers on your legs.
We are going to be switching over to having a nanny watch Wyatt and Henry instead of sending them to daycare. So, I've been wanting to put together some craft supplies for Wyatt so he doesn't miss out on getting to be creative every day. Here is my little box I put together today. I bought some supplies at Target - crayons, paint, stickers, pipe cleaners, etc. Fun times! Tomorrow Wyatt is not going to daycare, so we may try out our new craft box.

These are all crafts that Wyatt has done at daycare - I am definitely not as good at coming up with ideas for crafts, but I'm hoping the nanny will have some ideas! I may buy one more of the set of drawers and start collecting more things for crafts... I just don't want Wyatt to be bored at home!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Really long Easter post :)

Happy Easter from the Brummers!

Last night we colored some eggs - Wyatt had a great time making a mess!

Wyatt and Henry

Wyatt got all dressed up for Easter - this is his modeling shot. :)

What a cutie!

Henry kept it a little more casual this year... :)

Me and my boys!!!

We had an afternoon Easter egg hunt. It took a little while for Wyatt to want to pick up all the eggs - once he realized there was candy inside, he wanted to stop and eat it!

Enjoying some candy...

He also got some play-doh in his basket.

Henry got a basket too - unfortunately Wyatt beat him to all the eggs. Maybe next year, bubba! :)

Happy Birthday, Cheri!

Saturday was Aaron's mom's birthday, and we celebrated by flying Rachael back from Santa Barbara! Somehow we managed to keep this a secret for a few months, and it was worth it.

Wyatt and Henry enjoyed seeing their Aunt Rachael!

Grandma and Wyatt checking out pictures...

Grandpa meets Henry for the first time!

Happy Birthday, Cheri!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Henry is two weeks old!!!

Today Henry is two weeks old! Time flies when you are sleep-deprived and having fun! :)

Here is Lamby - he makes ocean sounds and theoretically helps Henry stay asleep.

Awake Henry! He likes to lay on the ottoman and kick and look around. I have to keep a watchful eye on him, as Wyatt has tried to pick him up and "rock" him. :)

And of course here is big brother... getting into mischief!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Brotherly love

I bought two of these frames at Kohl's today. I had a $10 off coupon, so I only paid $1.80 for them. Nice! I ordered pictures for them, so then I can put them in Wyatt's and Henry's rooms.

Wyatt wanted to rock Henry today, which was really sweet. I think they are going to be buddies. :)

Wyatt wanted to take pictures, so here we are!

I think we are going to try to make it to church tomorrow... Hopefully we aren't too late!

Friday, April 15, 2011

More pictures of Henry

Wyatt is very interested in Henry when Henry is awake. I think he would have liked to sit in the bouncy chair too!
He spent a lot of time awake this evening, probably the most he's been since he's been born. Maybe he will sleep well for me this evening because of it. Ha! :)

Daddy and Henry. If I talk, Henry gets squirmy and starts rooting... sigh. :)

We spent a lot of time here with the Boppy tonight too. He ate and ate and ate... I think he's going through a little growth spurt.


Love those expressive eyebrows! :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Working on the fence!

Today Aaron has worked all day on the fence! He got up, took Wyatt to daycare, and bought the pickets to go on the fence. Henry and I hung out in the house all morning (When Aaron asked me if I have any plans for the day, I said "Feed Henry, change his diaper, feed Henry, change his diaper, feed Henry, maybe change his whole outfit when he has a diaper leak... and repeat!").

After lunch, I put Henry in the Moby wrap and we bundled up to go outside to "help" Daddy with the fence. Doesn't he look like a little doll in this picture??? He was very warm - I zipped up my sweatshirt over top of the Moby, and I put Aaron's windbreaker on over top. Then we helped carry pickets to where Aaron was nailing them on the fence. It was really nice to get outdoors for a little bit, but I'll enjoy it even more when it warms up!

It's looking good! Way to go Aaron!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Henry is one week old!

Here is my sweetie, sound asleep. He has slept a lot today!

Here he is a few days ago - you can see his cheeks are starting to fill out.

And here is big brother playing with "monkey." Too much fun! :)

Wyatt really likes to do what the baby does... I'm not sure if the bouncy seat can handle that much longer!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Life as a family of four...

I think we are all starting to adjust to life with our little peanut Henry. Today we went out to lunch and he did great - slept through the whole thing. I have to get used to this life again though - feeding him right before we leave and then feeding him right when we get home. He's still so little it takes almost an hour to feed him, so my window of opportunity to do things is about an hour, maybe an hour and a half. Wyatt is getting used to Henry, and he has been pretending to be like him sometimes. He'll climb into the bouncy chair, or if I'm changing Henry he'll want us to change him too. He even came over today when I was feeding Henry and pretended that he was eating too. Cute.

Last night I think I changed about eight diapers and four outfits. I remember again why we do cloth diapers - the disposables leak so badly! Once his umbilical cord stump falls off, we are switching over to cloth!

Well, tomorrow is Henry's check-up appointment. I was smart this time around - it's not until 12:30. I think I can manage to be up and showered by then. :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Coming home

On Friday we left the hospital just before noon. Here is Mr. Henry right before we left - doesn't he look tiny in the carseat???

When we got home, Wyatt was very excited to see Henry. I was really surprised by how excited he was, because it took awhile for him to really notice Henry when he met him at the hospital.

Wyatt decided to try out the bouncy chair after Henry sat in it.

"What are you looking at???"

Henry had some good awake time today - we can't tell what color his eyes are. They kind of look dark, dark blue, which makes me think they may turn brown.

Sweet boy. :)