Time flies! Today Wyatt is six weeks old, and he is continuing to fill out. His cheeks are starting to plump up, so hopefully when we go back to the doctor in a week they will say that he is gaining weight like he should be (At our one month check-up they were a little concerned about his weight since he is in the 50th percentile for height and only the 10th for weight. I've been working on fattening him up by trying to feed him more often and give him additional bottles of expressed milk.). He has outgrown the newborn clothes, and now he is in 0-3.
Here is my favorite 0-3 sleeper. This is the first sleeper I bought before we even found out if we were having a boy or a girl. I just think it is fun.
Wyatt has discovered he likes the swing now - he just needs a little convincing. :)
Here is our "convincer." Not only is this vacuum great for sucking up dog hair, it also quiets down Wyatt enough that he will let the swing put him to sleep. I've vacuumed the living room three times today! :)
What a peaceful baby...
I've been reading a book called "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" and I think Wyatt hasn't been getting enough sleep lately so he hasn't been sleeping well at night. I've been trying to make sure he gets good naps during the day, and now we are trying to put him to bed by 7 or 8 every night. We'll see how it goes! It's not a quick fix, but hopefully it will help us set up a good bedtime routine and help me to get some more sleep!
37 Weeks
9 years ago
Great pictures! I remember when you bought that onesie- it IS really cute!
Yep, I've heard of that No-Cry. Definitely a good idea. He looks good, you can tell that he is gaining weight. :) Keep up the good work mama!
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