Saturday, September 12, 2009

Go Hawks!

It's been a lazy Saturday morning for Wyatt and me. He slept last night from about 9 to 3, then 4 to 6:30. I went bed around 9:30, so I got to sleep for 5 1/2 hours straight! Woohoo! Anyway, the rest of this morning I have basically been a human pacifier. Wyatt eats a little, then sleeps a little, eats a little, sleeps a little... I think he is trying to build my milk supply back up, since I'm sure it's decreased some since I've gone back to school. So, it's a good excuse to sit on the couch and watch the Hawkeyes game! Beat State!

Anyway, the week back to school was good for the most part. It's still tough to leave Wyatt in the morning, and my sleep deficit continues to grow almost as quickly as the US goes into debt. But, I really enjoy what I'm doing at school, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Right now I'm scheduled to see four patients a day (last year was only two a day), and it pushes me to be efficient. I was afraid that I would forget how to do things after 10 weeks on maternity leave, but it's all coming back!

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