Sunday, December 6, 2009

Oh Cereal Puffs!

Tonight (thanks to Courtney's brilliant advice :) ) I bought some cereal puffs for Wyatt to try. He still makes a face like he's not sure about the textures, but he probably ate 10 or so of the puffs tonight and he seemed to indicate that he wanted more. Exciting!

Anyway, I am re-reading part of the book "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" just because Wyatt is not sleeping for long stretches consistently. The last two nights he has awakened (has woken up? has woke up?) every 1-2 hours fussing so I have to go give him the pacifier or feed him. Doesn't make for a very well rested mommy or Wyatt. Well, I re-read part of it because I've forgotten some of it. One of the tips I re-started tonight was putting him to bed still awake and without a pacifier. It makes sense - if I want him to be able to fall asleep on his own, I can't have him rely on a pacifier, otherwise I have to get up every couple hours when he wakes up! So... I fed him his bottle and put him in bed with him sleepy but not asleep. Then I held him (sort of) in the crib, patted him, and "shh'd" him until he finally went to sleep. Without the pacifier! The book says to get him used to going to sleep at night without a pacifier, and then work on the day. So, he still gets a pacifier during the day. I'll report back in a week or two - we'll see if there's any difference!

1 comment:


Yeah for cereal puffs!!!!!