Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Shred Day Two

Tonight Wyatt and I had some healthy dinner. He had strawberries, cheerios, and feta cheese (you should have seen his face the first time he tried the feta :) ). He ate more strawberries than anything else. I had a spinach salad with strawberries, feta, and balsamic vinagrette, then some whole wheat penne pasta with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. He had a couple bites of my pasta - I thought he'd spit it out, but he actually liked it! I think I would like to have a couple vegetarian nights a week - this was pretty easy!

We'll see if the strawberry stain comes out of that shirt... Mommy needs to remember to put a bib on Wyatt. Oh wait, he just pulls it off. :)

Anyway, I did my second night of the shred tonight. I was a little sore today, and I have a feeling I will be even more sore tomorrow!


Grandma and Grandpa said...

The salad sounds great!! (in fact I had that for lunch today!!) Now if I could stay away from the cookies and Munch and Crunch!!!

Katie said...

Wait until you try walking down stairs! Spoken as someone who has done the shred and done the stairs. :)