Monday, May 16, 2011

First day back to work...

So today was my first day back from maternity leave. I think it went pretty well - I made it to work on time and didn't fall asleep while working. :) I think Wyatt and Henry had a good day too, so that's good. We had our nanny start two weeks ago so she could get to know the boys and us, and I think it made today go very well.

Right now I have Henry snoozing on my arm as I type. My fingers in my left hand are starting to fall asleep, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Wyatt is off with Daddy getting ready for bed. So... we are going to wind down for the night, and I may go to bed pretty soon. It's hard to go to bed when it's still light out. :)

I'll post more pictures on Wednesday when Henry will be 6 weeks old. :)

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