Sunday, September 11, 2011

Garage Sale!

On Saturday we had a garage sale! We've never done one before, but in our five years together plus two kids, we've accumulated a lot of stuff! Aaron's mom came to help - very appreciated! It would have been a little hectic otherwise.

Aaron tried so hard to sell these chairs! :)

There were three rows full of stuff! Jim and Ellen brought stuff and so did my mom. We had several people tell us we had some good stuff to sell.

And look at this little cutie! He's getting so big! What a happy guy (except when he's in his carseat! :) ).

1 comment:

Katie and Tyler Trunnell and Family! said...

I feel for ya on the carseat situation. Piper still doesn't like being in her carseat either. Makes our Kansas trips a little stressful.