Saturday, February 27, 2010

Yummy Indian food

Today we enjoyed lunch at Exotic India. Wyatt was very interested in all of the different foods - he had Chicken Saag, naan, basmati rice, tandoori chicken, and samosas. Exotic India has a fantastic lunch buffet!
What a content, messy face. :) I hope he stays an adventurous eater!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Prosthodontic meeting in Chicago

Wednesday night I drove to Chicago after I got done with school. Wyatt went to Cedar Falls with Daddy on Wednesday morning, and Grandma Muffy is watching him until Friday when Aaron brings him back to Iowa City. Wednesday night was an interesting drive to say the least. On my way, I called to let the hotel know that I would be checking in later. Well, they told me my reservation wasn't until Thursday night. Um. Yikes. So... I called Aaron in a panic, and he told me not to worry about it and he took care of it all. What a problem solver I married!!! He actually got me a better room for a cheaper price than I had originally booked. What can I say? He's good! So here is my room at the Westin Chicago River North. It's no Marriott... :)

I even have an iMac computer in my room - too bad that Mac's don't have SD card readers built in like PC's do, or I would have posted last night. I couldn't even get Facebook to work right on the Mac. But... I also couldn't get the wireless to work on my laptop last night, so I couldn't blog then. Tonight the wireless works on my computer - I don't think I did anything differently!
I even have a fainting couch in my room. The view is of downtown Chicago.

A king-size bed all to myself! :)

Anyway, this morning we headed down to check in to the American Prosthodontic Society meeting around 7:15. They had a continental breakfast, then the program began at 8 am. We listened to speakers all morning, then we went to the business luncheon (so boring) and then had more speakers until 5:40 pm!!! My brain was fried after all of that. Some were very interesting, some were boring, and some of it was a little overwhelming. There are just so many systems out there in restorative dentistry, and there are different indications for the use of each of them. But it was kind of exciting to see some of the potential for improving smiles - yes, I'm kind of a nerd. :) I had a few funny moments today when I kind of put my foot in my mouth with some things I said. At breakfast, one of the APS members asked me if I was planning to do Pros. I said no at first, then I said "Well, I plan to DO pros (crowns, bridges, dentures, etc.), I just don't plan on specializing in pros." I think I could have been a little more polite about it - I kind of laughed when people asked if I was planning on specializing in pros. I just don't want to spend 3-5 years of my life waxing teeth and being made to feel like an idiot. At another point in the day, one of my instructors from the dental school came over to talk to my classmate Christi. She looked at me and didn't recognize me at first. So then I said, "Well, I'm not pregnant anymore." And I motioned an outline of a belly. (I worked with this instructor when I was pregnant last year) I guess you had to be there. Sometimes it's awkward to make small talk with instructors outside of the dental school. :)
Anyway, Christi and I went to Harry Caray's restaurant for dinner tonight. It's literally a block from our hotel, so we just walked. I went there with Aaron's family when we came to Chicago before for an Iowa Hawkeye football game, so I knew it was good! We were not disappointed tonight - great food, and we had a chance to unwind after a long day. We got dessert to go, and I have been relaxing in the hotel room since.
I miss Aaron and Wyatt so much!!! Tomorrow is a shorter day, and then I will head back to Iowa City.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bumps, scratches, and probably a few bruises...

More pulling up and standing today. Now he can hold onto the table and reach down to pick up another toy. He biffed it a couple times though, so I'm sure he's got a few good bumps today. He's got a fascination with these ceramic chickens that are on our living room floor - they are from one of Aaron's friends who a ceramics grad student. I tell him "no" when he heads for the chickens and now we're making progress so that most of the time he will turn away from them. Well, tonight he did not listen to Mommy and when he lunged at them he scraped his cheek on one of them. So, he's got a little scratch on his cheek too -hence the title of the blog. I'm trying to be more stubborn than he is when it comes to the off-limits stuff... :)

When I was cooking supper tonight, he was playing in the kitchen. I found him here, among other places. He bumped his head on the chair and got mad... I feel bad that he falls over and I don't catch him every time, but I hope that he will learn from the falling!

He's starting to want to hold the spoon when I feed him. It's making eating so much messier. Tonight I gave in and gave the spoon to him.

Is that a pleased-as-punch face or what???

I broke out a few tupperwares, kitchen towel, and a spatula so he could "cook" with Mommy tonight. That entertained him for quite awhile. Here's a little video of my personality-filled boy - you can see he's learning to fall over a little more gracefully now. :)

Anyway, I got to spend a lot of time with him today, and I had a great day. I am heading to Chicago tomorrow night for a dental conference (I got nominated somehow) with one of my classmates. The conference is Thursday and Friday, so I will head back home on Friday night. Wyatt is heading up to Cedar Falls tomorrow morning so he can spend some quality time with Grandma Muffy and Daddy! I'm going to miss him and Aaron!

Monday, February 22, 2010


This little boy has discovered a whole new world. Tonight he pulled up on anything he could get his little hands on - the stair railing, the gate, his activity table, my legs, and the coffee table/TV table. I'm saying "No" a lot more! He really wanted to get into the trash in the bathroom, and I told him no. He turned away and threw a little fit on the floor! *sigh*
Anyway, it's amazing to me how fast he changes. And it's funny how he is pulling up before he is truly crawling. He can get wherever he wants, it just looks funny and it isn't true belly-off-of-the-floor crawling. We'll see if he decides to walk before he crawls! :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fun with crackers...

This weekend has been a whirlwind - my mom came down on Thursday night and spent all day Friday cleaning my house for our open house on Sunday. I took the afternoon off on Friday so I could help her, and then we headed back up to Cedar Falls for the weekend. It was a pretty nasty drive - the roads were bad and traffic was worse. I think we went 45-50 mph most of the way! Anyway, while in Cedar Falls Wyatt tried his first Ritz crackers and I think they were a hit.
"No you can't have my Ritz!"

"I ate it all gone!"

"Was I really so messy with my crackers, Grandma?" My mom has a vacuum that she can strap on her back - I think it's genius. I hate trying to balance the vacuum while cleaning the stairs, etc. Plus, it makes you look like you could fly... :)

I put Wyatt down in the living room with some toys and went into the kitchen for a minute. When I came back in, this is where he was. We're going to have to tighten up the lock on the gate! Also, when I was unpacking his suitcase from the weekend, I set him in his crib with some toys. Again, I turned my back for a couple seconds, and when I looked back at him he had pulled up in his crib! So I moved the mattress all the way down to the lowest setting. He most likely wouldn't have been able to get out where it was set, but I don't want to take any chances. He is getting so big!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So I'm really into the Olympics this year. I don't know why - usually I don't get to invested in it every year. But this year I'm getting sucked in, and it's really wreaking havoc on my bedtime! I love the moguls and the snowboard cross... and the stories behind some of the figure skaters are really moving and I want them to do well. But it's kind of painful to watch the figure skaters biff it on their jumps - like tonight when the Canadian guy fell after one of his jumps. Sad. He really wanted to represent Canada well and two little mistakes will knock him out of range for the medals.

Anyway, I'm loving all of the Olympics this year. Go USA! (Well, and if the USA doesn't do well, go Canada. :) )

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A good Sunday that happens to be Valentine's Day

Today has been a fantastic day. Maybe the only wish would have been for Wyatt to sleep a little later, but a month and half ago I would have killed for a full night's rest! Anyway, we went to church in the morning and actually made it there 5 minutes early. Maybe the first time ever early since Wyatt's been born! :) Then we had lunch with Aaron's mom and just relaxed for awhile. This afternoon we played and watched the Olympics.

I swear Wyatt changes overnight. He now acts like he's been sitting on his knees for weeks. It's really cute.

Wyatt got a new giraffe toy - it is very soft and chewy. He likes to chew on his head! It squeaks too, so Chewie and Reuben are very interested in the toy - they think it's for them!

Speaking of Reuben - he naps in the strangest positions. You'd think he'd get a crick in his neck.

Ah, that's better.

A little Daddy and Wyatt QT. Wyatt likes to practice standing up all by himself.

Tonight Aaron cooked me dinner for Valentine's Day. He made Beef Tenderloin wrapped in bacon and topped with parmesan cheese, red potatoes and green beans, and french bread. We opened the bottle of Rhapsodie du Soleil wine from Sunstone that we've been saving - it was a great combination. Wyatt conveniently napped during dinner - it's hard to cut steak and entertain a child. :)
Anyway, it's been a great relaxing, family day. I appreciate my time with Aaron and Wyatt more now that Aaron is commuting and sometimes staying in Cedar Falls. I can't wait for June!
Here's a couple videos... The first is Daddy acting like Stevie Wonder and playing with Wyatt.

Then, here's Wyatt watching the Olympics and laughing because he's so proud of himself.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Opinions please

I need your opinion. Today I bought some new placemats and napkins at Kohls to update the kitchen table a bit. We are having our open house next weekend, and I want the kitchen to look coordinated. Our walls are light green, so this is what I went with. Hopefully not too matchy-matchy. Anyway, here's where I need your help. How do you like the napkin folded? Here is option #1:

Option #2:

Option #3:

Okay, I know option #1 and 3 are similar - the difference is the direction of the stripes. #2 is a little foofy I think, but it's the typical napkin-in-a-ring look. I think 1 and 3 are a little more modern. These are the things I think about once Wyatt has gone to bed. :)

So again, here is option #1:
Option #2:
And option #3:
Let me know what you think!

Grandma's house

Today Wyatt and I went over to see Grandma Cheri - I left for a little while to get my hair cut (nothing drastic, just what I've been doing lately. :) ). Wyatt got to play with the blocks and practice pulling up on the box. What a big boy!

Then he got to play with Grandpa Monte's bowls and spoons and measuring cups... What good noise!

Friday, February 12, 2010

What a big boy...

Tonight Wyatt decided to empty his toy basket...

And crawl around...

It's just so much easier to play when everything is spread out!

And then Wyatt practiced standing up on his own! He holds on to that table for all it's worth!

Hey Mom! Look at how big I am!

Wow, that's hard work! I think I'll just play sitting down.

Well, it's even easier to play on my tummy.

Here's a little video of Wyatt trying to pull himself up on the table. He's pulled himself up a few times all by himself - what a big boy!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Apple Crisp

Tonight I made dinner again - I made a pizza, but it was supposed to be a crispy thin crust and it was more of a soggy crust. Flop. BUT... I also made apple crisp, and it was not a flop. It was very easy:
apple pie filling (21 oz.)
1/2 t. cinnamon
1/2 t. nutmeg
1 stick margarine
1/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup flour
1/4 cut oats
1/2 cup or so brown sugar
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 8x8 pan. Dump apple pie filling in pan and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Cream margarine and sugar. Cut in flour and oats until it's crumbly. Sprinkle crumb mixture and 1/2 cup of brown sugar on top of pie filling. Bake 20-30 minutes or until it's bubbling goodness. Yum!
And... it was super easy and all stuff I have on hand.
So it's supposed to snow again this weekend. Sigh. I'm over snow.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A busy day in the Brummer house

Here is a play by play of my day today:
5:30 am - Aaron wakes up, kisses me good-bye to get ready to drive up to Cedar Falls
6:10 am - After two snoozes, I get up to shower and get ready
6:45 am - I let out the dogs and feed them breakfast
6:55 am - Wyatt's talking is turning into fussing so I get him up and feed him his morning bottle
7:10 am - Change Wyatt's diaper and clothes
7:22 am - In the truck, driving Wyatt to daycare
7:32 am - Drop off Wyatt
7:50 am - At the dental school, pick up my tray and get set up for my morning appointment.
8:00 am - Seminar with three of my classmates presenting patient cases
9:00 am - Ready for my patient
9:15 am - My patient arrives 15 minutes late due to traffic
10:15 am - Dismiss my patient since the tooth we were re-evaluating didn't need a filling and we just discussed treatment options for other issues.
10:30 am - Catch up on paperwork, scheduling patients, surgery approvals, etc.
12:00 pm - LUNCH! Chat with a big table-full of my female classmates. Our conversation would never include griping about certain instructors and patients who make our lives difficult. :)
12:40 pm - Set up for afternoon appointment
1:00 pm - Seat afternoon patient
3:45 pm - Dismiss afternoon patient - deep cleaned one half of her mouth. It's so gratifying to see the calculus (build-up) flying off the teeth. :)
4:00 pm - return my tray, finish up paperwork, consult with Dr. Arnold about a case I inherited from a classmate
4:30 pm - Leave to pick up dog food on the way to get Wyatt
4:50 pm - Hang out with Wyatt and friends at daycare
5:20 pm - Stop at Fareway to get groceries for dinner (Wyatt falls asleep on the way home)
5:50 pm - HOME! Take Wyatt upstairs to nap, let the dogs out, feed them dinner, start fixing dinner
6:20 pm - Dinner is ready! Basil Chicken Parmesan pasta - don't get too excited, I made it from a box.
6:25 pm - Wyatt wakes up, I feed him a bottle.
6:30 pm - Aaron gets home! We eat dinner
6:45 pm - Clean up the dishes, throw in a load of Wyatt's laundry, put dirty diapers in pail.
7:00 pm - Wyatt's fussy - Aaron changes his diaper and I feed him Chicken noodle dinner. He's exhausted.
7:10 pm - Change Wyatt into PJ's. Aaron lowers the crib mattress as Wyatt PULLED UP on the activity table today!
7:25 pm - Feed Wyatt his bedtime bottle.
7:40 pm - Wyatt is in bed for the night.
7:45 pm - Pick up toys, etc.
7:50 pm - Put up my feet! Enter receipts into budget.
8:00 pm - Answer e-mails.
8:15 pm - Time to catch up on blogs and post my own!

Now it's 8:40 pm and we're watching American Idol and relaxing. It's been a busy day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's been a little while...

Wow! It's been a little while since I've updated the blog. Sorry. Life has gotten a little hectic - I'm sure that's what you all figured. :) Aaron has started working in Cedar Falls, so the great commute has begun. He will have to spend some nights in Cedar Falls, which makes me very sad, but it's only for a few months. We'll make it! I drove up to Cedar Falls this past weekend and I ended up not coming back to Iowa City until Monday morning! I just didn't want to leave on Sunday, and the weather was much worse Sunday night than Monday morning.

This week, I've got a couple different things due for school, so I've been busy with that. I think I'm fairly caught up now, so that's good. My big project is getting the house ready for the open house - it's going to be the weekend of the 20th and 21st. I hope our house sells soon!

Anyway, here's the reason why you read the blog. Wyatt is getting so much personality! He's becoming our little explorer. Yesterday he discovered the kitchen and named it Wyatt-land. Today he discovered the rug in the kitchen and claimed it as well. He would like to claim the dog's food dishes, but Mommy has taken those away. What a mean mom.

And, I've officially moved him up to 12 month clothes. What a big boy! It's hard to find sleepers and onesies in the 12 month size. The Gerber brand is sized much smaller than other brands, so he's already outgrown the 12 month Gerber onesies! I bought 24 month size Gerber onesies, and those fit just right! Yeesh. But his other 12 month stuff is good. :)

Here's a little video of our explorer. He loves the laundry. Kind of like Reuben. :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fun with Laundry

I set the clean laundry on the floor in the living room, walked away for a minute, and this is what I found when I came back in tonight. Wyatt decided to find out what Mommy was up to tonight!

Oh, a sock. I like socks.

I can tip the basket over.

Oops, you caught me!

I can sit in the basket too!

Let's go for a ride!

Oh hey Chewie! You want to get in the basket too?

What are those shiny white things in your mouth, Dad?

Let me take a closer look.

Here, you better tidy up Dad. Here's my burp rag.
It was a crazy day at school today, and I really wanted to call off for the afternoon and hang out with Aaron. I didn't, though I was very tempted to do so. It was nice to just get home and hang out with both Aaron and Wyatt tonight. Wyatt was a little less crabby tonight than he's been lately, so that was good. Still, he was very ready for bed at 7 pm! Now Aaron and I are relaxing and watching American Idol... good stuff. :)