Sunday, February 14, 2010

A good Sunday that happens to be Valentine's Day

Today has been a fantastic day. Maybe the only wish would have been for Wyatt to sleep a little later, but a month and half ago I would have killed for a full night's rest! Anyway, we went to church in the morning and actually made it there 5 minutes early. Maybe the first time ever early since Wyatt's been born! :) Then we had lunch with Aaron's mom and just relaxed for awhile. This afternoon we played and watched the Olympics.

I swear Wyatt changes overnight. He now acts like he's been sitting on his knees for weeks. It's really cute.

Wyatt got a new giraffe toy - it is very soft and chewy. He likes to chew on his head! It squeaks too, so Chewie and Reuben are very interested in the toy - they think it's for them!

Speaking of Reuben - he naps in the strangest positions. You'd think he'd get a crick in his neck.

Ah, that's better.

A little Daddy and Wyatt QT. Wyatt likes to practice standing up all by himself.

Tonight Aaron cooked me dinner for Valentine's Day. He made Beef Tenderloin wrapped in bacon and topped with parmesan cheese, red potatoes and green beans, and french bread. We opened the bottle of Rhapsodie du Soleil wine from Sunstone that we've been saving - it was a great combination. Wyatt conveniently napped during dinner - it's hard to cut steak and entertain a child. :)
Anyway, it's been a great relaxing, family day. I appreciate my time with Aaron and Wyatt more now that Aaron is commuting and sometimes staying in Cedar Falls. I can't wait for June!
Here's a couple videos... The first is Daddy acting like Stevie Wonder and playing with Wyatt.

Then, here's Wyatt watching the Olympics and laughing because he's so proud of himself.

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