Sunday, August 21, 2011

Crazy life lately!

Life has been a little crazy lately. I suppose it's always a bit crazy with two little boys in the house, but there's been a few other things that have made it crazier. First of all, both of my brothers were in the hospital this week! Jim was in the hospital for a few days with abdominal pain - I don't think we fully know the cause yet, but at least he is home and feeling better now!

Then, Friday night Tyler went to the hospital with a heart rate over 200 bpm! He had to stay overnight until his heart rate went back to normal Saturday morning. Aaron stayed overnight at my parent's house Friday night (Oh yeah, they were out of town too) to help watch all of the kids, and then Saturday morning I was going to go out to help him. Well, since my dad and the other dentist in our practice were out of town, I had to go in to the office to see an emergency patient. So a very busy Saturday!

Today we have had a low-key day to try to catch up on things. Henry's been a little high maintenance lately - just needing to be held or have Mommy's constant attention! I think it's a little bit of a phase though, and I'm sure once he gets a little bigger he will be much more into exploring his environment.

Wyatt is saying so many new sentences lately. "I want eat yogurt." "Mommy, come here right now!" "I need drink water, please." So cute to hear these new sentences!

Below is a little video of him singing his version of "Jesus Loves Me." (He sings "Jesus Mommy Daddy Grandma Grandpa." :) )

And here is a video of him doing a somersault!

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