Sunday, August 7, 2011

Henry is 4 months old!

Henry, you are getting SO BIG!!! I can't believe you are four months old already, though I was saying to your Daddy today that it feels like you have always been here. Life feels normal with you here. I don't know how big you are right now - your 4 month doctors appointment is on Wednesday, so we'll find out!

You watch your brother a lot, and once you can crawl, I'm sure you'll be following him around! Every once in awhile he makes you jump when he gets so close to you or makes a really loud noise.
This weekend you met your Great-Grandma Brummer and your Great-Aunt Marsha.

You are getting so social and you smile and coo when you see people.

You've also started to get interested in toys and you can hold on to them for a little while. And, on the 6th when you were exactly four months old, you rolled over both from back to front and front to back for the first time. I don't think you really wanted to do it, but pretty soon you'll figure out you can get around that way!

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