Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Henry is 5 months old!

Henry is five months old, and every day he changes a little more. He's usually in cloth diapers, but for trips he's in size 3 disposables now. He's filling out his 6-9 month clothes, so for fall we'll be moving him into 12 month! He is still exclusively breastfed - no other food yet. Yay! With Wyatt we had to supplement with formula at 3 months, and by 5 months he was totally switched to formula. I am so happy to get this far breastfeeding Henry, and I hope to stick with it until at least a year old. Knock on wood, but I think we can do it! I feel like I could write a book about everything I've learned both with Wyatt and Henry! :)

Anyway, Henry is a pretty laid-back guy. He really just gets opinionated when he's hungry or sleepy or having to ride in his carseat! He can roll over both ways, but he doesn't seem very motivated to do it that often! He smiles a lot-many people tell us he is such a happy baby! We even had a woman come up to us at a restaurant to tell us that she would work in the church nursery if there was a baby like Henry there! (kind of an odd thing to say, but we'll take the compliment!)

Well, this weekend we are having a garage sale- great motivation to get the garage cleaned out!

1 comment:

Brenden Family said...

Henry is so stinking cute!!!