Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Getting ready for Wyatt's birthday

Wyatt is turning two years old on Thursday - it's hard to believe that he's been here that long, and in the same way it feels like he's always been a part of our lives. Tonight I wrapped his presents after he went to bed - I took a picture so when he's bigger I can say "See what cute presents you got when you were two??" Just kidding. :) I don't think there is anything quite as fun as buying your child birthday presents - I can't wait to see how he reacts when he opens them!

He's really changed so much in the past few months. He is starting to speak in sentences, he'll pull me by the hand and say "Come here!" He's even started calling me "Mom," though I keep telling him it's Mommy, thank you! His favorite things right now are as follows: Cars/trucks, Dinosaurs, Horses (neighs), puppies, stickers, Elmo (Sesame Street), and Word World (a cartoon). His favorite foods right now are pancakes, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chicken nuggets, pizza, corn, peas, and yogurt. And of course birthday cake - after going to two birthday parties in May, he is all about birthday cake and singing "Happy Birthday!" Right now he likes to pull random shirts/shorts/pants/pajamas out of his drawers and put them on. He can also put on his shoes and sandals all by himself, though sometimes the shoes really frustrate him. I think his favorite color is yellow, or at least it's the one that he always points out first. I'm writing all of this down so I can look back and remember him just how he is right now. I keep telling him I'm going to put a brick on his head so he quits growing! :)

Well, Thursday we will celebrate his birthday with a little party with my parents. Then on Friday we are heading to Iowa City and we will celebrate with Aaron's parents. Between the two, he will have a very happy birthday!

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