Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Henry is 2 months old! And other fun pictures...

Henry is two months old! Time flies! He is getting bigger each day - if I had to guess, I would say he is around 10 or 11 pounds. We go to the doctor next week, so we'll see how much he weighs!
Henry is really getting attached to his big brother - he will smile at Wyatt now, which is so sweet.

Check out those little rolls on his legs - he is definitely eating well! Maybe a little too well... :)

Sweet boy. He is starting to take some decent naps here and there.

Wyatt likes to put the Boppy on his lap and "hold" Henry. He is a very proud brother and he likes to do everything we do with Henry. Sometimes he even pretends to feed Henry, which is pretty cute.

If you look close, you can see Henry grinning at Wyatt!

And another picture of my silly boy Wyatt. He loves his stuffed animals and Sesame Street dolls.

And he is working on drinking out of a cup. Still spills, but he's doing well!

Here is some of his artwork from the other day. Our nanny Jessica helps him do crafts, and this one is just precious. I framed his handprints, and now they are on the shelf in the living room!

Anyway, we are starting to really adapt to life as a family of four. Last night we went for a drive and the night before we went on a walk. I think the kids like to be out and about sometimes in the evening, and it does help keep Henry from having a long, fussy evening. This evening he has napped and napped! He ate the most during the day today than he's ever eaten when I was at work, so I suppose after all of that milk he is working on growing! :) I'm happy to have a small stockpile of milk in the freezer for days like today! Hopefully I can stock up a little more over my long weekend in case he is a big eater next week. This week I have a four day weekend, and in two weeks I have another four day weekend. After that, I'm back to work full time! I've really enjoyed working part-time. Three days a week is pretty great. However, three days a week is not great for building a practice... :) So, come July I'll be back full-time (but then I'll be off a week to go to Canada... yay! :) ). Well, hope you all are well!

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