Sunday, June 12, 2011

A weekend in Iowa City at Grandma's

Here is Henry doing one of the things he does best - sleeping. He doesn't sleep in long stretches of time, but he does nap well! :)

Wyatt eating Grandpa's cookies at the counter like a big boy!

Wyatt likes to "mother" his Elmo and Cookie Monster dolls, and he was trying to put on my Moby so Aaron helped him put it on.

He needs his hands free so he can play! :)

Play the piano, that is. :)

We went to the Coral Ridge mall today - we had fun, but it was not as relaxing for me as I would like. Henry spit up all over me twice, and multiple little spit ups as well... Not fun. I guess I did end up with a new tank top and sweater because of it. Sigh... We did end our time at the mall well, though. Wyatt rode the carousel twice - first with Daddy!

They had a lot of fun - check out the video below.

Then I got to ride with him (in my freshly spit-up covered sweater).

He would yell "Hiiiiiii!!!" as we rode by Grandma and Daddy each time.

1 comment:

Mrs. Clark said...

Not the scary neighs! Looks like you guys had a good weekend. We can't wait to get there and see you!