Friday, October 31, 2008

Exciting news!!!

We're pregnant! So this obviously isn't the pregnancy test, but I thought it got the point across! We are about six weeks along, so it's still pretty early. It was too hard to keep it a secret! I haven't been to the doctor yet - my appointment is in about three weeks, so that's when we'll get the "official" due date. My guess is the end of June/beginning of July, which is right when I'll be finishing up my third year of school. Good timing! :) We're excited!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

long time no update!

I realized I haven't updated my blog since very early in my Oral Surgery block, and I'm already halfway through it! Life has been busy lately, as cliche as that sounds. I've started an IV in oral surgery, and I'm scheduled for another on Friday. It's good to know how to do it, but I don't think I'll be doing IV sedation out in practice - it's a really big liability, and I think the cases that require that much sedation are better referred! But, it's fun to do it now in school.
I felt like a big dope at school today though, because I couldn't find the right codes to put into the computer today for some of the patient appointments, and then I accidently put in the wrong code for a patient today and I had to have the faculty approve the change... Ugh... The computer can be really annoying. I feel like I'm doing okay clinically, but there is always so much paperwork - even more than when we are in practice because there are eval's we have to have people fill out, and it's easy to forget to have the instructors fill them out. My mind is elsewhere lately... :)
Anyways, hope everything is going well with all of you!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Almost one week down...

It's Thursday night and I'm pooped! This is the first week of my Oral Surgery rotation, and I've been on hospital assignment for the last two days. Yesterday and today I had to be at the hospital at 6:30 am for rounds, and I have to be there again tomorrow morning for rounds. That's early! Yesterday I was there till 5pm and today I was there till almost 6pm. I've gotten to observe alot and assist some too - today I scrubbed in on our afternoon surgery which was pretty cool but tiring! On Tuesday I saw my first oral surg. patient - I was scheduled for a pt. with 5 teeth that needed to be pulled but he rescheduled, so I was reassigned an emergency case that came in. That pt. had a swelling and a broken down tooth, so I just pulled that tooth. It went really well and I learned a lot. I'll be a lot more confident this next week when I see more patients.
Anyway, I am happy to be home for the evening! I have some pictures from the I-MOM weekend I want to post, but I can't find the camera cord right now...
Hope you have a great weekend!

Friday, October 3, 2008

One block down!

So today I finished my Oral Diagnosis and Radiology rotation! I took my radiology final this morning, and then we had the rest of the day to finish up our requirements (which I luckily got done yesterday so I had the rest of the day off!). There were out of state interviews today for dental school applicants, so I volunteered to give a couple tours around the dental school. It was a lot of fun - they had a lot of good questions to ask, and they made me feel old! I've really enjoyed dental school so far, so I hope they all left with a feeling that it isn't too horrible! :)

Tonight I"m heading up to Cedar Falls to spend the night before I-MOM tomorrow - should be a busy day!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Weekend in Atlanta!

This is the view from our hotel room downtown Atlanta. We flew down last Friday evening with Aaron's parents and met up with his sister there. On Saturday, we went to see Les Miserables at the Fox theater which was really cool!!

We had a lot of fun in Atlanta and we would love to go back sometime to see more of the city! We got back on Sunday and got caught up for the week. This week has been pretty crazy busy for me - I had a Pathology test today and on Friday I have a Radiology test. This weekend I'll be heading up to Waterloo for Iowa Mission of Mercy, a weekend of free dental care donated by Iowa dentists, hygienists, assistants, dental students, lab techs, etc. This is the first year that Iowa has done this, and I think it's pretty cool! My dad and I went to Texas the spring of my undergrad freshman year for TMOM and that was a really cool experience. I think that's what really cemented what I wanted to do in life, and it was inspiring to see so many people helping out people who really need the help. This weekend I get to practice in the capacity that I work in the dental school, so I will get to do drilling and filling, shots, etc. when I'm there. I'm very excited for the weekend! I'll try to post some pictures after the weekend.
Anyway, it's bedtime and I'm sleepy! Good-night all have a great rest of the week!