Monday, September 27, 2010

life ramblings...

So... pregnancy this far has been much like I remember it - I'm still tired and queasy most days! But there have been a few differences. This time around I have very specific cravings. Like today, for example, I really wanted sushi. Really, really wanted sushi. I'm trying to stay away from raw fish, so tonight I had a California roll instead of the usual spicy tuna. And it was wonderful. :) Then at the grocery store tonight we walked by the peaches and nectarines, my hyper-pregnant nose picked up the smell and I HAD to have some nectarines. It's weird to have such specific cravings!

I can't wait to get past the icky first trimester!

Anyway, Wyatt has been a lot of fun lately. He is just so busy and active lately, playing all the time. His vocabulary is really expanding too. Here are the words he regularly says: Mama, Dada, Daddy, mine, hi, hot, nana, hat, woof, dog, down, more, Go Hawks, and no-no. He's a big boy!

Well, got to run, Wyatt is trying to climb onto the couch with me. :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Baby Brummer #2 coming in April!

Wyatt is proud to wear his new "Big Bro" t-shirt. He has no idea what it means. :) I suppose once the new baby gets here, he'll realize what was going on!

Our tentative due date right now is April 29th, which makes me 9 weeks on Friday. I feel like junk lately, and I can't wait to get out of the "all-day-sickness" phase!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our little Hawk fan!

"Go Hawks!"

Mommy taught Wyatt to say "Go Hawks!' today. It kind of sounds like "go gawks" when he says it, but it's adorable! Love our little Hawkeye fan!