Thursday, July 16, 2009

More pictures...

I'm sure Chewie and Reuben are feeling a little overlooked lately by Mommy... but at least they have each other! :)

Wyatt is really looking at things more intently. He doesn't like to swing really, but he likes to look at the stuff hanging above it.

Daddy and Wyatt - look at that strong neck!

Mommy appreciates a little break when Daddy gets home!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wyatt is two weeks old today!

This is one of the ways I've been able to get stuff done - I went for a walk today (well, two walks - first with Chewie, then with Reuben) and when I got home I didn't even bother to take Wyatt out of the sling before I put him in the bouncy seat! This way he stays awake for about an hour after he eats and then sleeps for about an hour before he eats again.

Today was a big milestone for me - it was the first day I took a shower with no one around to watch Wyatt! He sat in his bouncy seat in the bathroom and of course started to fuss as soon as I got in the shower. But I think he is really starting to recognize my voice because he quieted down when I started talking to him.

The cloth diapers are going well so far - no leaks! He did however wet his onesie when I was changing him this morning... I just have bad timing! :) I think I'll wash the first load of dirty diapers this afternoon - we'll see how the dirty stains come out!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Cloth diapers!

Tonight we are trying out the cloth diapers - I put on a prefold diaper in a diaper cover first, and he had a messy/wet diaper with no leaks. Then I put on this BumGenius 3.0 diaper, so we will see how this one works. They are so puffy compared to disposable diapers - they make his heiny look so big! :) But I'm excited to see how they work!

Anyway, tonight Wyatt has been pretty fussy. I'm not sure what the deal is, but he may have an upset tummy. He is only happy when he is in the sling - that's where he is right now, asleep! It's kind of funny that even if I'm holding him in my arms he's still not as happy as when he's in the sling. I think it's like swaddling on steroids. :) I can't complain though, because he is sleeping and not fussing now. I just hope it doesn't mean he won't sleep tonight!

Wyatt's first trip to church and Cedar Falls

Mommy, Daddy, and Wyatt went to church on Sunday for the first time as a family. Of course we were almost ten minutes late, but that's not bad considering Mommy tends to run late on Sundays anyway! :) Here is Wyatt in his Sunday outfit - what a big boy!

After church we headed up to Cedar Falls to see some of Mommy's side of the family.

And what post would be complete without more pictures of the little boy himself??? :)

And of course a series of pictures of Wyatt going from happy to mad to happy again... :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Today is Aaron's 25th birthday! Happy birthday honey! We were going to head up to Cedar Falls yesterday, but the power has been out at my parent's since Thursday night. So, today we did the usual Lou Henri's breakfast - it's amazing how the noise in the restaurant puts Wyatt to sleep!

Right now we are hanging out at home - Wyatt is very alert and he is fascinated with the elephants hanging above his bouncy seat. I'm thinking we need to get him a little activity mat he can lay on that has stuff to look at. Anyway, hopefully the power will come on at my parent's house today so we can head up there tonight!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Daddy went back to work today...

Today Aaron started back to work - luckily he did not have to go in to work until 10 this morning, so he was able to watch Wyatt so I could shower! Wyatt and I had a good day - lucky for me he likes to be in the sling and the bouncy seat. Here's to hoping for a good night!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The un-swaddled boy

Wyatt spends a lot of time swaddled, so here he is getting ready for bed tonight. See how he progresses from mildly annoyed to mad... :)

Wyatt is one week old today!

Here is our little trooper - he is getting to know his carseat and stroller very well! It's hard to believe he's been here a week already - it's been the longest and shortest week of my life! :) Sometimes I look down and it hits me again that he's the little boy that we waited so long for - it's still a little surreal.

Anyway... hopefully he will soon learn to love to sleep at night! :)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wyatt's first trip to the mall

Wyatt went to the mall today for the first time. He was a good sport - he rode in the stroller for a little while, then he tried out the snugli with Daddy. He zonked out right away in the snugli - he'll be a good shopper!

Well, hopefully Wyatt decides to sleep well tonight!

My beautiful boy...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Wyatt's first 4th of July

Here is Wyatt in his 4th of July outfit from my good friend Mary!

Also, Wyatt went to Lou Henri's for breakfast for the first time today - he gets to enjoy the pancakes a little later today. :)

Wyatt also had a weight check at the hospital today, and he is only about 7 ounces less than his birth weight. I'm sure he'll gain it all back soon! And his bilirubin check was good - very normal number so we don't have to deal with any jaundice stuff. Yay!

Today his Aunt Rachael and Uncle Justin came to visit all the way from California! He was very happy to meet them! :) I'll have to get some pictures from Aaron to post.

Well, we are getting used to each other more and more - life is good!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wyatt is here!

So as you all know, Wyatt was born Tuesday morning at 1:40 am. He weighed 7 lb 2.3 oz and was 20.25 inches long (I'm sure his weight has dropped a little now with the 7+ dirty diapers! :) ). We are so happy that he is here now! Here is a little video of him just wiggling around and making faces - what newborns do best! :) Pardon the America's Got Talent noise in the background... Anyway, we will go home from the hospital tomorrow and start our new adventure with our little boy. Hopefully once we get home I will be more able to update the blog!