Tuesday, November 25, 2008

First time to see the baby!

Today we had our first appointment with the doctor, and our official due date is June 28, 2009! We are pretty much right on track with where I thought we are at - today I am 9 weeks and 3 days along. The doctor did a "mini ultrasound" today just to confirm how far along we are and to check out the baby. This kind of ultrasound doesn't print pictures or anything like that, but we did get to see the baby's heart beating! Very exciting! The rest of the appointment was pretty normal - lots of paperwork to fill out, bloodwork, etc. I really like my doctor - she talks pretty fast but she seems fairly laid back.
Anyway, the last few days I felt pretty horrible, but today I felt a little better (probably because it's the day of my appointment!). I can't wait to get past the nausea!!! Maybe just a few weeks more...
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I'm watching the Hawkeye game right now, and we are just demoralizing Minnesota! And, Shonn Greene just beat Tavian Banks single-season rushing record! I'm glad I'm not a Gopher fan today! :)
The puppies are really cute right now - Reuben keeps curling up right next to Chewie or he even lays his head on Chewie. I think he's trying to tell us to turn the heat up! :)
Anyway, I felt pretty good this morning, but the longer I'm awake today, the worse I'm feeling. I think right now how I'm feeling is really related to how tired I am. I didn't sleep in a ton today - I woke up around 7 and dozed for a little while after that. That's still sleeping in, and I did go to bed fairly early last night - who am I kidding, I go to bed early every night! (at least lately... :) ) I think I'm going to go to bed after the Hawkeyes finish steam-rolling Minnesota.
Just a few more days till our first OB appointment! And, just after that is Thanksgiving! Hurray!

Monday, November 17, 2008

A good day...

Today has been a pretty good day - probably the best I've felt in awhile! I was still a little sick this morning, but this afternoon and evening I've felt pretty good! I even felt like I could eat anything at all, which is really rare!
A week from tomorrow is our first doctor's appointment, and I'm counting down the days!!! I know that it's not going to change anything since I already have a good idea of my due date, but it just seems so official... And it's just one more step on the way to getting to meet this baby!
So I was at Target yesterday shopping for one of my friend's wedding showers, and on a whim I decided to try on a pair of maternity jeans (I have to admit my next-size-up jeans are getting a little snug!). Anyways, I don't know what pregnant woman would want SKINNY LEG jeans!?!?! But the only style they had were that style, and even when I tried on a few sizes bigger than what I used to wear, they were still really tight! It was kind of a depressing trip, because honestly I didn't think I had gained very much weight so far! I'm optimistic that other stores will carry other styles - I'm think something more like a relaxed fit is going to be the way to go! :) I don't need the maternity pants yet, but I'm thinking in a few weeks it might be more comfortable! Maybe by Christmas break I'll be needing them - I don't think the jeans I have now would be very comfy for a plane ride to Phoenix!
Anyway, I have two tests tomorrow, but both for classes that are kind of "fluff" classes. I should probably get on with my studying... Hope you all have a great week!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fun stuff!!!

I got a package from UPS today, and this was inside! Aren't they cute??? They clip on the stroller or car seat so that they can't be thrown out by the baby! Thanks Ellen and Jim! It's a fun reminder that there is an end in sight to this pregnancy business, and it will be worth it in the end!
Honestly, this first trimester so far has been so different than I imagined it would be. I had no idea how tired I would be, and how sick I would be! There are all kinds of smells that really get to me - it's funny some of the things that really set me off. When I was in the Oral surgery rotation, the plastic that the suction tubing came in smelled so bad to me, and when I open the fridge and there's leftover pizza or something like that, it's pretty bad too! Last night we went to Old Chicago with my classmate and her husband, and nothing really sounded good to me except chocolate milk! Then all of the food came, and that just about did me in - my nose is so hypersensitive now! I bought a book about morning sickness, and I really like it. It's very encouraging and doesn't just say "eat crackers in the morning" or "just deal with it - it will go away in a few weeks." I'm starting to figure out what foods always sit well with me - they are usually pretty bland! :) Today has been pretty decent as far as the past few weeks have been - maybe as I get the food stuff figured out, the queasiness will be a lot more manageable!
Anyway, it's less than two weeks till my first doctor's appointment - it'll be the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Hopefully we get to hear the heartbeat!

Fall table

I'm a little late in posting this, but better late than never! Aaron gave me flowers for my birthday, and he coordinated them to go with my fall decorations on my kitchen table! I thought he did a good job!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Good day...

Today has been a pretty good day! This morning I slept in really late, then Aaron brought me breakfast in bed, then I stayed in bed until 1pm watching TV! It was wonderful! :) Then my friend Mary called me, and she came over a little bit later to watch the Hawkeye game. (Aaron started his new position at work today, so he had to be there at two this afternoon.) So we really expected the Hawks to lose the game today, so when we kicked the winning field goal with ONE SECOND LEFT!!!! we went crazy! Anyways, we met up with some other friends downtown later, and then we went to another friend's apartment later - it really felt like I was back in undergrad, but I feel old! I've been going to bed a lot earlier lately because I've been exhausted - I guess sleeping in as much as I did today has to count for something!
Well, I think I'm going to get ready for bed. Hopefully Aaron will be home from work soon!

Rachael - hope you are feeling better!!! We are praying for you!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

queasy queasy...

Well, I haven't been feeling the best these past few days. I'm certainly convinced now that I'm pregant! :) Last night I gave Aaron a list of things to get from the grocery store that I thought sounded good. I've read that ginger is good for settling down queasy stomachs, so I had him get some ginger snaps and some ginger tea so I could try that. I also had him get some Honey Nut Cheerios, Cheeze Its, apples, and cottage cheese - tonight, none of it sounds that great! Truthfully, nothing sounds that great.
I can't complain, it does come and go - right now I'm doing better than earlier today.

I voted today - I'll be interested to see how the election pans out. I'm not even going to watch the election coverage on TV though because I think it's really annoying. All they are going on are exit polls and maybe some incomplete results... The next few days will be more interesting to watch!

Hope you all are doing well!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hurray for breakfast...

The past few days I've been a little queasier than before, and it's funny how it does seem to peak right around the time I get up in the morning. My pregnancy book says it's because I have an empty stomach, and I believe it! You can ask Aaron - I'm probably the crankiest right after school when I'm STARVING! and I don't feel very good when I'm getting ready in the morning for school (I can't say I'm cranky then because Aaron is already gone to work, so I don't have anyone to be cranky with! :) ). But once I eat breakfast I do a lot better. It comes and goes.
Anyway, this morning I made pancakes and now I feel a lot better! Chewie and Reuben always like it when I make pancakes because they usually get the leftovers or the ones that are a little dark. It's too hard to make up batter for only one person, because you can't cut an egg in half! :)
Well, I'm going to try to be more productive today than I was yesterday. Our house is pretty much a disaster right now and I need to do laundry... Hope you all have enjoyed your extra hour of sleep!