Saturday, February 26, 2011

Big boy bed update

So... Aaron has been out of town since Thursday afternoon. Wyatt and I have been fending for ourselves the past few days. My mom helped me out of a pinch on Friday by picking Wyatt up from daycare - I had to have my second non-stress test to check up on the baby. No test results back yet - I was really hoping to hear if I have cholestasis or not. I go back on Tuesday, so hopefully I will know by then! They did have one part of the test back - one of my liver enzymes is high, but it's not diagnostic for the condition. Anyway...

The big boy bed update: Wednesday night Wyatt did great - he only woke up once at 3 am and then he went right back to sleep. Thursday night he got up three different times and the first time he wouldn't go back to sleep for about an hour. Last night I lost count of how many times he got up. I think I ended up sleeping on his bed with him from about 5 till 7 this morning. So... not exactly how I'd like it to be going. I guess it's training for when the baby is born. Still, it makes me wonder if we are rushing the big boy bed thing. But I don't think it's safe for him to be in a crib he can fall out of. Today I have to figure out how to get him to nap on his bed - he naps on a mat at daycare, but they have peer pressure going for them.

Aaron is coming home tonight - yay!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Big Boy Bed!!!

Today is my day off (and Aaron's too), so we took on this little project of taking the crib out of Wyatt's room and setting up his big boy bed. Last night when I put him to bed, he tried to climb out of his crib, and he even got his leg up and over the side. So... it seems like it is time to retire the crib!
We got the bedding at Target - I've had my eye on it for awhile. I had to get the little lamp that goes with it - too cute! We showed it to Wyatt, and he was very excited. We'll see how bedtime goes! I hope to get some sleep tonight - it just might be on a twin bed. :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Itchy, itchy hands and feet...

I haven't blogged much about this pregnancy. I hope Baby #2 doesn't feel slighted by this. Life is just crazier the second time around, as many of you know. Anyway, I am almost 31 weeks pregnant now - getting to the large stage. The last two nights I've woken up with seriously itchy hands and feet, and just generally itchy all over. It's been better during the day, but it gets worse at night. So, I googled "itch and pregnancy" last night, and I was surprised to see that there is an actual condition during pregnancy called cholestasis of pregnancy. Basically, the bile duct gets blocked and bile salts accumulate in the blood, making a pregnant woman very, very itchy. It's typically the hands and feet, and happens more at night. It made me kind of nervous how much this sounded like me, so I made an appointment to see my OB doctor today. When I told her my symptoms, she said it sounded like a textbook case of cholestasis. Awesome. So... I had a blood test today and they monitored the baby for about a half hour today. He's still doing great, so that's good. I'll find out hopefully in less than a week if I have cholestasis, but in the meantime my doctor put me on medication in case I do have it. Basically, the biggest complication of cholestasis is that it can cause premature labor or stillbirth after 37 weeks if it's untreated. If I have cholestasis, I'll have to continue to take the medicine and be induced early. And as of right now I have to go back to the doctor twice a week so they can monitor the baby. So... it's been a lot to process today. I can feel my hands and feet starting to get itchy all over again, which makes me think it's pretty likely the test will come back positive. I hope the medication will start to work soon!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wyatt had a litte Valentine's party today at daycare - he took car valentines and Hershey kisses. He came home with a little bag of valentines from his friends - very cute. Tonight we gave him a little card, a Sesame Street coloring book, and some crayons.

Coloring with Daddy - I just love how big he looks, lying on his tummy coloring. SO CUTE!! :)

Hope you all had a very happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to keep a clean house

Wyatt is really starting to want to do everything that we do. Case in point - vacuuming! Today I had him help me pick up his toys, then we vacuumed the living room. He likes to help me push the vacuum, but today I let him do it all by himself.

As you can see, he thought this was the best thing ever! I hope his wife will enjoy his domestic abilities someday. :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wyatt's toddler room - stage 1

This morning we (I mean Aaron) put together the storage unit for Wyatt's room that we got at IKEA last weekend. As you can see, Wyatt already likes to takes his toys out of the bins and put them into different bins.

We are going to do a cars theme for his room, so we also got this rug at IKEA.

We got the table and two chairs there as well. Wyatt really likes to play with his magnets when he's sitting at his table.

The storage unit... You can see half of the bedside table that goes with the table and chairs. We will hopefully in the next month or two move the crib out of Wyatt's room and transition him to a twin bed. I think we'll probably just start out with the mattress on the floor. There's a twin bed that has a trundle that we liked at IKEA, but it was out of stock. They thought they should get it in by March, so we'll see. I think it'd be a good idea to start out with the mattress on the floor though.

Close-up of the table.

Wyatt and his "eyes." That's what he calls sunglasses. The weather has actually been fairly warm yesterday and today - it makes me believe the groundhog that there will only be six more weeks of winter!
Hope you all have a good weekend!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Playing in the snow

Today I got out of work a little early because of the impending blizzard, so I got to pick up Wyatt early from daycare. We got home and it was snowing, and Wyatt kept saying "no", which is his way of saying "snow." :) He kept pointing at my boots (he calls them "boops") so I asked him if he wanted to go play in the snow. As you can see, we got all bundled up and went outside briefly. However, he kept taking off his left mitten, so I decided to call it quits outside after about 10 minutes. He was quite mad about this, so I compromised.

Snow in the house! :) I filled a tub with some snow, put dry mittens on him, and he had a ball.

What's a little mess when you can play in the snow in the warmth of your house?? :)

He's very curious about the "no."

Here's a little clip of him saying "snow."