Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Getting into mischief...

Being the good mother that I am, instead of saying "No no," and moving Wyatt so he didn't fall over and hurt himself, I took a picture. :) Don't you love the sagging pants?

Wyatt decided to take off his pants this afternoon. Apparently he was too warm.

C'mon pants! Get off!

Forget about the pants. Let's pull all of the blankets out of the basket.

What's WREBs, Mommy? This looks like fun stuff to get into.

Me, get into trouble?

Just look at that grin - he KNOWS he was being a pickle!

Got to love that sweet face. :)

Here's a little clip of Wyatt's favorite game - pulling things out of boxes or bowls or whatever.

Anyway, we've accepted an offer on our house in Iowa City! Exciting! Now we wait for the buyer to get proof of financing and set up an inspection if he wants one. I'm very glad to have a realtor helping us, as there are so many things I don't know as we've never sold a house before! We've found a house we like in Cedar Falls, so hopefully we will get all of our financing together for that, and then we can officially put in an offer!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Good weekend...

It was a great weekend all around. Wyatt spent the night at Grandma Cheri's on Friday so Mommy and Daddy could go on a date and sleep in on Saturday morning!

Saturday afternoon we went to Lowe's to dream about the future and price out things we'd like to do in the future if we get the house we are looking at in Cedar Falls. Dreaming is cheap! :)

Saturday evening we watched The Blind Side at Aaron's parent's house - it's a great movie. Very touching and Sandra Bullock was fantastic! And Aaron's dad made some great barbeque pizza.

Today we got up and got ready to show our house at 10:30 this morning. It was kind of nice to get all of the tidying done first thing, so then we could have the rest of the day to relax. I think Wyatt might be teething because he was super fussy tonight and chewing like crazy on everything, even his fingers. But when he's fussy I always think he might be teething, so who knows. Poor kiddo, he took a late nap and when he got up, he seemed on the verge of tears until we put him back to bed for the night. Hopefully he gets some good rest tonight and is back to his jolly self tomorrow.
Anyway, here's a cute little video of him sort of clapping or waving his arms to the music.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Getting back to "normal" life

Wyatt apparently got bored with the top of the activity table.

Looks like he's having his own "March Madness" under there!

"Oh Mommy, blueberry yogurt is so good."

Chewie and Reuben hang out by Wyatt's high chair every time he's in it. Tonight I think they only got a piece of strawberry from him. Bummer. :)

Wyatt tried out Daddy's hat.

I could barely get a picture of him with it on - he ripped it off so fast!

One of Wyatt's new favorite "toys" - my balance ball. He tries to stand and hold onto it - at least he's getting a good workout!

"In case you missed it, here's my tongue."

Tonight I made supper for real. Too bad Aaron was in Cedar Falls! I breaded two halves of a chicken breast, fried them in olive oil, and put them on top of angel hair pasta and marinara. It was my attempt at a chicken parmesan of sorts. I really liked how the chicken turn out - it had a nice crunch to it. Wyatt tried some of my chicken but he preferred his blueberry yogurt.
Anyway, my clinical boards are done now - I don't find out if I passed for a couple weeks. It's going to be a little stressful waiting, but it's a little less stressful now that it's over. I wish that this week was Spring Break - my mind is not on school. At least today and tomorrow we don't have clinic - just hands-on demos of different procedures and practice management lectures. Thursday and Friday I am in the admissions clinic triaging patients, so I have a little time to get organized for my last TEN WEEKS of school. It's going to go by fast - I just need to "get my ducks in a row." :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Silly boy

We went out to dinner on Monday night with Matt and Hilary. Wyatt did pretty well, though he was definitely fussier than usual! He did enjoy watching all the people walk by, as you can see here. :)

I decided Wyatt could be in an ad for cloth diapers. Here's his photo shoot. :)

"Can I update your blog, Mommy?"

He's my sweetheart!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break is here

This is such an unusual Spring Break for our family. Aaron is working through Thursday of this week, and I am off of school for the week except I have orientation for my clinical boards on Friday. So we are up in Cedar Falls until Thursday night. The rest of my family is in Florida or Kansas right now, so Aaron, Wyatt and I are staying at my parent's house and it is VERY QUIET! :)

This morning Aaron headed off to work, and Wyatt and I got up and had breakfast and tried to feed the dogs their breakfast. They don't eat so well when their schedule is off.
Wyatt and I played for awhile - he really enjoys running around in this walker as you can see!

Some of these pictures are a little blurry as I had to catch him on the move. :) Anyway, Wyatt is a little off of his schedule because of Daylight Savings Time. It's not all bad though, because he is technically sleeping until 7:30 in the morning right now. So, he took his morning nap kind of late and I got ready for the day. After he woke up and had his mid-morning bottle, we met up with Daddy to have lunch.

After lunch we went to see Daddy's office and where he works - very cool! Wyatt really liked being carried around. Oh, and Daddy introduced Mommy to the President of UNI. That was neat! :)
Anyway, Wyatt and I went to Target this afternoon for some essentials and to use my Starbucks gift card. We had a good time, and Wyatt fell asleep on the way home. He did NOT want to stay asleep when we got home, but I finally convinced him he needs to nap longer than 10 minutes. :)
So, kind of fun pretending to be a stay at home mom for a couple days...

Here's a little clip of Wyatt being a crazy driver in his walker!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My life right now

I have some things always on my mind lately. Here are a few of them... March 20th and 21st are the dates of my clinical boards exams - I have two days to complete two root canals on extracted teeth, two fillings, and one deep cleaning. Right now I have my three patients lined up, so now the concern is that all three show up for boards and all three are accepted by the examiners. Oof. Nothing like four years of dental education riding on two days in clinic. :) Last year 5 out of 60 people failedat least one part of the boards. I'm doing my best to not be one of those this year!

Another related thing on my mind - finishing up my requirements so I can graduate! I have until the end of May to get everything done, and I'm scrambling to get everyone scheduled appropriately so all my patients are happy and all the work gets done! I probably won't complete all of my requirements until the second-to-last week of May... Oof. Starting to feel a little bit of an ulcer. :)

Third thing on my mind - keeping the house clean so that the non-existant house-hunter who wants to see our house can see a tidy house. But so far it's just been keeping the house clean for no reason. Our second open house had no lookers... so no real leads right now. Oof. Aaron had someone ask for pictures on Craigslist, so that's a start. Worst case scenario, we rent the house for awhile. So, not quite the heavy weight on my shoulders like boards. :)

Anyway, in a couple weeks I will hopefully be in a much less stressed state of mind. I am doing my best to not worry about these things, but they do eat up a lot of my time. This is why I've been a little absent in my blogging. :) Aaron and Wyatt are keeping me sane!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

More crawling!

Wyatt crawls!!!

Tonight I bought dog food on the way to get Wyatt. When I got home, I opened up the bag and had it propped up in the kitchen. Well, I turned my back for a second and Wyatt pulled it over. At that moment, Aaron walked in the door, and Wyatt turned and started crawling to him! He's been doing a "pseudo-crawl" so he can get where he wants to. But now he can do a much more graceful crawl! Here's a little clip:

I think he decided to crawl for real so I wouldn't be irritated that he spilled dog food all over the kitchen floor. :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Wyatt likes yogurt

It's a creative title, I know. But he really does. I opened up some yogurt tonight while I was waiting for dinner to get done, and I only got three bites of it. Wyatt ate the rest! He had some rice too, as you can see, but he refused to eat the rice unless I was holding the yogurt container. Silly boy!
"Hi Mom! Whatcha doing?"

"Can I come up here?"

Here's a little clip of Wyatt the other night - it just shows how he never quits moving or getting into trouble!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wyatt is 8 months old!

Wyatt is getting to be such a big boy! In the last month he has started to pull up and stand all by himself. He is getting to be quite the adventurous eater - no teeth yet though! I'm not worried, they'll come in soon enough. Sometimes I wish he was getting teeth so I could blame some crabbiness on them!
Wyatt is starting to talk more - he's really not that chatty of a guy, but when he's excited about something or stuck in his carseat in the car he talks more. He's completely in 12 month-sized clothes - he has even grown out of some 12 month onesies already. When he wears disposable diapers (out of town, etc.), he's in size 4's. His cloth diapers are still the same ones - good ole BumGenius 3.0's! All of the snaps are let out and we use the biggest liner now during the day, and the big liner and a doubler at night. I think that as he continues to grow he's going to thin out in the middle and the diaper will fit differently. I highly recommend the cloth diapers!

Anyway, he is my sweetheart and I love him tons!