Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Wyatt went Trick-or-treating for the first time this year! We dressed him up before, but this is the first year we went door to door.

Henry tagged along too - Wyatt was a dinosaur and Henry wore a coordinating hat. I'm very proud of that hat! :)

Happy birthday, Grandma Muffy!

What a cute little dinosaur!

And another cute little dinosaur!

All tuckered out from trick-or-treating! We had a lot of fun tonight!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Aaron's new job

So for those of you who haven't heard yet - Aaron got a new job! He is now the general manager at Ferrari's and the Park Place Event Center (in the PIPAC building). He started last Wednesday, and he is really enjoying it so far. It is really neat for him to have a job where he is the boss and gets to run things the way he thinks they should go. I think this is definitely the type of job he was made to do! Right now he is busy learning how they do things, meeting all of the staff, getting to know the company, etc. So... he is working more hours than his previous job. It's definitely a trade-off, but it is worth it. Tonight he is working late, so I had the kids by myself. Every month it gets a little easier to watch both of them at the same time - I can't even imagine how things will be a year from now! We had a pretty good night - Wyatt and I had leftovers for dinner, Henry had fresh pureed avocado, we played downstairs awhile, both kiddos got baths - Henry screamed, and Wyatt didn't want to get out... An episode of Word World for Wyatt, and then the process of bedtime! I think Wyatt finally went to sleep around 9, and Henry just shortly after that. Whew! Now I get a moment for myself, and then I'm going to get ready for tomorrow and go to bed. Last night Henry did not sleep well, so I'm hoping tonight he catches up on some sleep so I can!

Well... That's all for now. Life is busy but good. We are blessed to have Aaron working his new job that he really likes!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Henry is six months old (up a little late... :) )

Here is my little sweetie! He is getting so big - over six months old already!

Now that Henry is six months old, he is starting to get more mobile. No crawling or sitting up yet, but lots of rolling and wiggling and jumping in the bouncy chair!

He's eating more solids now, especially the past few days! I swear he is going through a growth spurt!
I love those little cheeks!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pumpkin Paradise

Today Aaron, Wyatt, Henry, and I went to Pumpkin Paradise - a pumpkin patch and entertainment area of sorts for little kids. Overall, the pumpkins were great, but the activities for the kids left something to be desired. I think next year we will see if there's another pumpkin patch near Waterloo.
Wyatt did enjoy riding the "horsey."

He also enjoyed running through the pumpkin field.

And driving the old tractor...

Henry didn't particularly care one way or another - next year he'll have more fun!

We've had a great weekend - last night we went to Bill's football game. Wyatt and Henry did great, and it was fun to see family. This morning we went to J's for breakfast - our usual Saturday morning breakfast place - and it was good as usual. After that the pumpkin patch, then home to put kids down for naps and clean! It's wonderful to have a clean kitchen and living room! Sad and frustrating to see the Hawks lose... But we still have Sunday! :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A few random pictures of Wyatt and Henry

 We had to get this picture for future blackmail of Wyatt or at least his senior slideshow.  Such a goof! :)
 And a little bit of his mother's OCD coming out here - we were in the living room and he had been quiet for a little while.  We found him in Henry's room, lining up Henry's diapers! :)
 Henry, or as I call him, Henny Penny.  He's getting better at holding onto things and chewing.  I hate comparing him with Wyatt, but I do think he is a bit more laid back than Wyatt.  He doesn't roll all over the floor like Wyatt did at this age.  I think he is more entertained by Wyatt so he is less motivated!
He's my happy boy - well, so long as Mommy is near! :)

Weekend in Iowa City

 We had a great time in Iowa City this past weekend.  We left Friday after work and made it there in time for supper on Friday night.  Saturday morning, we had waffles - yummy!
 Then we went downtown to play and walk around.  Dance Marathon was sponsoring window painting for kids - we let Wyatt give it a try and he enjoyed it!  He used every single color they had! :)
 Daddy and Wyatt played one of the pianos that is on the sidewalk downtown.
 Wyatt got to play on the playground by the library twice - once before lunch and then again after lunch.
 Big climber!
 He would look over his shoulder at me like, "Make sure and get a picture of this, Mom!" :)
 He even went down the slide on his tummy and did a few face-plants on the ground.  Luckily the ground is fairly rubbery so he didn't get hurt!
 Henry tagged along and had a good time too.  He hates his carseat - you'd never know it from this picture.  He really likes when Mommy rides in the backseat with him, so that what I did for part of the trip! :)
 Wyatt and Grandpa prepared asparagus together for supper on Saturday night.  Wyatt helped break the asparagus into two pieces. He thought he was big stuff!
Henry enjoyed some Grandma time too!  He was a little fussy this weekend - I think he is going through a little growth spurt or something!

All in all a good weekend!  They go by too fast!

Henry's first foods

Henry has recently started eating some solid foods!  His first food was banana - I was eating a banana one day and he kept smacking his lips together so I gave him a taste.  He kept fussing until I gave him more and more... so I realized it's time to start feeding him some solids!
Aaron bought some sweet potato and cooked it up.  This is Henry's second food and he loves it too!

Just like his brother, he wants to do it himself!
We froze the extra sweet potato in ice cube trays so we can take out a little at a time.  Next time I'll spray a little vegetable oil in the trays before I put in the food!  I have tomorrow off work so I may try to make some applesauce and pears for Henry.  He's getting so big!