Monday, November 30, 2009

Wyatt is 5 months old!

My little baby boy is 5 months old today! He is a chunk - I can't wait for his check-up next month to find out how much he weighs and how much he's grown! He has got rolling over down - he can go from front to back to front... whatever it takes to get what he wants. When he's on his tummy, he is reaching for things in front of him. It's only a matter of time before he gets up on his knees and starts crawling!

He is a big fan of his bottle and eats 6-8 ounces at a time usually. He is NOT a fan of solid foods yet. He still makes the disgusted face every time! He is a hit or miss sleeper right now - he still wakes up atleast once at night to eat, though he does go to bed around 7 or 7:30 every night. For example, last night he went to bed at 7:15 and woke up at 1 am to eat. Then he woke up just before 6 - I think if I didn't have to get ready for the school day he might have gone back to sleep. It's much better than nights when he wakes up every hour - two hours for some unknown reason. :)

He is a social guy - he smiles at everyone he meets and he laughs at Mommy and Daddy when they sing or make silly faces. He is very ticklish too! And he loves the jumpy chair - those little legs are getting plenty of exercise!

Here are photos of Wyatt by month so you can see how much he has changed!

One month
Two Months

Three Months
Four Months
Five Months

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wyatt sweetness...

More Christmas decorating!

Welcome to our house! Here are some of the Christmas decorations I put up today. It was a lot of fun to pull the decorations out of the box and find places to put them. It was also fun to try to find ways to use the things we already have in different ways this year. The wreath on the door has stayed the same.

I changed the ornaments and ribbon on the stairs garland this year. I had some leftover balls from the tree - they are red and gold glitter! The ribbon matches the one on the Christmas tree.

Here's our tree! I love it! Our theme is very traditional - red, gold, and green (some lime green to be trendy :) ). I think the lights on the tree have been on since 3 pm today...

Here is the kitchen table - I used the same place mats and napkins (they aren't really just for Christmas, but I think it still works). I hung ornaments on string on the curtains in the kitchen - they were the ones I used on the banister last year. I think it is fun and adds a little more cheer to the kitchen.

The gold ribbon on the table matches the banister and the tree... I'm trying to pull the theme together here. :)

The glass cylinders are on the table year-round, but I changed out the potpourri for red and lime green glitter mini balls.

And last but not least, my Santa towels! :)

I also changed up my blog background and added the picture of Wyatt to my blog title as you can see! I think that wraps up my Christmas decorating!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

This past Friday was our 2nd annual Christmas Cookie Baking Day at my parents house. We started baking at 9 am and we finished around 4 pm (not including clean-up!). We baked 74 dozen cookies/cake balls/truffles/cheesecake bites and we made 6 gallons of Chex Mix. We made Sugar cookies, Snickerdoodles, Gingersnaps, Chocolate cookies, Peanut Butter Blossoms, Spritz cookies, Thumprints, Red cake balls, Oreo truffles, and Mini Cheesecakes. Here are all of the bakers:

And here are the fruits, er, cookies of our labor. Bad pun, I know.

Today Aaron and I headed back to Iowa City, and we put up our Christmas tree. I was very excited to get it put together and decorated, as this is our first year that we've had a Christmas tree! I am very happy with how it turned out, so we had a little photo op. I'm planning on decorating the rest of the house tomorrow if I have time, so check back for more pictures!

Last year Hilary sent me this ornament of a pregnant woman and a man since we were expecting Wyatt in June of this year. I'm excited I got to put it on the tree this year!

I bought this ornament this year for Wyatt's first Christmas. I thought it was fitting as it completes the story - a "pregnant" ornament and a "baby ornament!"

Here are some great pictures of our sweet little boy. He is really changing so much and getting quite the personality!

Aaron calls this picture Wyatt's "Blue Steel" look. Very model-esque. :)

And I love this picture - I figured out how to get him to smile for the camera while I was holding him. What a cutie!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Jumping boy!

Wyatt is loving jumping in the jumpy chair - here's a video of him in it at my parents house this weekend. I bought these little rubber-soled socks at Target so that his little toes are protected when he jumps on the wood floor!

Wyatt hit a major milestone (okay, major to this Mommy :) ) this weekend - rolled over from his back to his front! He's been really into grabbing his toes, and that has helped him get to his side, and from there he was able to get to his tummy! Yay for Wyatt!

We had a nice time in Cedar Falls this weekend, though for some reason Wyatt slept terribly. I'm hoping he sleeps better when we head back for Thanksgiving! And, he is still not thrilled with solids - we tried bananas from a jar, and he made a terrible face! We'll keep trying! :)

P.S. Thanks for all of the great comments on my last post! I appreciate all of the nice things you had to say! :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What Not to Wear... Mommy edition

In the spirit of the TV show "What Not to Wear," I went on a little shopping spree today with some birthday money (thanks Mom and Dad :) ) and I got my hair cut and colored today (thanks Cheri and Monte :) ). Here are my "After" pictures:

I got this coat at Old Navy and I really like it.

I got this shirt at Target and the pants at Kohls (it was a marathon shopping day! I'm picky!)

This is how Nicole (my hairstylist) styled my hair - she really likes to straighten my hair. I kind of have hairstylist hair today, but I will take another picture tomorrow after I do it. I think I will just blowdry it with a round brush and maybe just straighten my new bangs a little. I really like the color!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Today after my test I went home to do some cleaning/reorganizing that was much needed. I cleaned out my closet (well, packed up all of my maternity clothes, put away clean laundry, slightly organized it) and also reorganized Wyatt's dresser - both were much needed! It makes me nostalgic to pack up my maternity clothes - lots of good memories in those clothes, and no matter how huge I was, that was okay! I'm not sure when I'm going to really get through my closet - I have a lot of clothes that I still don't fit back into, and I'm not sure when I will. My body has completely changed - I said to Aaron the other day that I'm just not sure how to dress my body anymore. I'm planning on working on that tomorrow - my board exam is in the morning so I'm going to try to get out to the mall in the afternoon by myself to try on some clothes and spend some birthday money. I need some new outfits! :) And, tomorrow afternoon I am getting my haircut for the first time in months! So I am excited for a little "Megan time" tomorrow after I finish my boards.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The solid food saga continues...

Yesterday and today I tried something new to try to get Wyatt to like eating solid food. I realize that in time he will decide that he likes solid food - I'm just trying to help him realize it sooner! :) Yesterday I pureed a half of a banana and tried to feed him that. He made the same face that he always does - YUCK! :) Tonight I pureed some banana again, and then I mixed it half and half with some baby oatmeal. He ate a few more bites tonight without just spitting it all out, so maybe I've hit a combo he likes. I think that plain oatmeal is kind of boring, but the texture of just banana is a little funny. Maybe they are just better together. Maybe it tastes more like banana bread! :)

Anyway, tomorrow and Wednesday I am taking my Part II dental boards. Yikes. It's a lot harder this time around finding time and motivation to study. I did get through most of my review book though, so I feel fairly prepared. And, I met with one of my instructors today for a quick review of a year's worth of oral pathology - he told me that now I should get at least a 49 out of 50 on that part of the exam! Ha! :)

Well, I am excited to get my boards over with - Wednesday afternoon after I finish the exam I am getting my hair cut and colored. Big news, I know! I haven't had a haircut in probably 5 - 6 months. Gross. So look for new pictures on Wednesday night!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Baby bear

It was chilly this morning so Wyatt got all bundled up in his little bear bunting! He just looks so darn cute, chubby cheeks and all. He's getting so big! Someday I will get him to smile for the camera - he was kind of over being messed with at this point since we were just about ready to go out the door to daycare! I'm really enjoying him the the mornings lately. He wakes up a little fussy, but his eyes are still closed. When he opens his eyes, he blinks at the light, then looks at me and realizes that Mommy has him, and he gives me a big smile. :) It's really sweet!

Monday, November 9, 2009

A much belated 4 month update

So, life has been crazy busy and I have neglected to update the blog in awhile. Wyatt is four months old now! At his four month appointment he weighed 14 lb 8 oz (50th percentile), was 25" long (90th percentile) and his head circumference was 43 cm (50-75th percentile). He is starting to outgrow his 3-6 month clothes and move up to 6-9 month clothes. He has really packed on the pounds these last two months - you can see it in his face! :) I love all of his little rolls and the dimples on his elbows. I love it when he sticks out his belly when he is lounging around! He is really reaching and grabbing now - he is noticing EVERYTHING! He is very interested in Chewie and Reuben - he watches them play and when they come near he tries to touch them. He giggles and grins now when we get his belly or toes or when we make faces. So much fun! And... he's a crabby little boy from 6pm until bedtime! It can't all be roses. :) He's still not sleeping through the night either. We've been trying to get him to eat cereal, but he's still making the "What are you doing to me???" face, and most of it ends up on his bib. We just keep trying - he's going to get it one of these days! Once he starts to actually eat more of the cereal, we'll be excited to try some other foods!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wyatt laughs... and his new hat!

Here's Wyatt's new winter hat! Isn't it adorable??? My friend Lindsie made it. I think brown is definitely Wyatt's color!

Wyatt was practicing sitting in his boppy, and he thinks his toes are lots of fun!

Weekend getaway

Saturday afternoon Aaron and I went to Riverside for a little getaway for my birthday. Aaron's mom stayed at our house and took care of Wyatt - bless her, he woke up several times throughout the night! We had dinner just the two of us at the restaurant there - very relaxed, and I even got to eat my food when I wanted (sometimes when we are out with Wyatt he is fussing, eating, etc. so I try to eat one-handed or Aaron and I switch off holding him and the other eats... :) ). It was a very nice time. Then we played some in the casino - we certainly didn't win any money, but we had fun! Then we relaxed in our room and went to sleep - I actually got a good ten hours of sleep which was wonderful! I did wake up throughout the night. I think my body is just used to waking up, so it's going to take some training once Wyatt starts sleeping through the night. Anyway, we ate breakfast and came back home this morning. We were going to go to church, but I have a little bit of a sore throat and I don't want to get anyone else sick. Aaron and I decided we need to do this maybe every other month atleast - just get away for a night so we can reconnect. It was a great birthday weekend - thanks Aaron for planning it!