Saturday, December 31, 2011

Henry is crawling!

Christmas recap

So I've taken a little blogging hiatus - not on purpose really, but I've just been caught up in the busyness of the month! We started off the month of December with my work Christmas party at Montage. We had a very nice evening and Aaron called the bingo game for all of the employees. :)
Our little family of four celebrated Christmas a little early this month - we wanted to spread out the presents and the kids don't know any different yet.
Wyatt and Henry with their presents - Wyatt did the majority of the opening this year. Next year I'm sure Henry will be opening all of his own presents!

Wyatt was so excited to open presents! He didn't know what Mr. Potato Head was at first, but now he's a fan!
So serious about opening presents!

Wyatt got some trains this year for Christmas - we also got Wyatt and Henry a train table to go downstairs. We told Wyatt it was from Santa and he was very excited! We helped him set out milk and cookies for Santa, and he was upset the next morning when they were gone - he thought Santa would share with him! :)

Henry liked his presents, but he wanted to eat the paper more.

Big boy sitting up and playing with his new toy.

Henry is eight months old this month. I missed posting about that, but I'll recap that here. We haven't been to the doctor since his six month check, so I'm not sure how much he weighs or how big he is. Definitely continuing to grow though, as he is pretty much in 12 month clothes. He is army crawling now, and he can get up on all fours and take a few steps that way until he falls. Now at the end of the month he is just starting to think about pulling up on some things, but he can't quite do it yet. He is much happier now that he can get to most of the toys he wants. Playing in Wyatt's room is one of his favorite things because he scoots all around the room playing with his brother's toys! He's getting more talkative these days - when he holds a book he "reads" out loud. It's pretty cute! He's also a big eater and getting pretty good at feeding himself finger foods. Still nursing, but not nearly as often during the day. He still wakes up a few times at night, though we are transitioning him to his crib and he is starting to wake up less. Many nights he doesn't want Mommy to put him to sleep - he wants Daddy to rock him. It's a nice break for Mommy. :) He is such a happy boy.
Henry loves his big brother - he smiles and laughs when he sees him. He puts up with Wyatt's "hugs" which are more like a headlock.

One night when Daddy was working, Wyatt and I made some almond-bark covered pretzels, and he wrapped them in wrapping paper and lots of tape. At least half a roll of tape! He had a lot of fun.

Happy Henry!

Brothers in Christmas jammies. I love my blue-eyed boy and my brown-eyed boy. They are my sweeties and I think they are going to be best friends growing up.

Merry Christmas to you all, and a Happy New Year! I think January will be less busy, so hopefully I can catch up on the blog.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Wyatt helped decorate the Christmas tree this year! He did a good job, and no ornaments were broken in the process. Whew! :)
Our tree this year - it is basically the same as last year, but I still really like it.

Here are two of my favorite ornaments - the baby spoon is for Henry's first Christmas, and the other baby ornament is Wyatt's from 2009. Those are way up high so they don't get broken!

Here's a close-up of Henry's ornament. Every year they will get a new ornament - Last year Wyatt got an Elmo ornament. We still need to take him to pick out a new ornament for this year, and we need to get a stocking for Henry!

Here are some cute pictures of Henry - almost 8 months old! We have some similar pictures of Wyatt here.

Well, indoors it looks like Christmas... outside it's raining today. Kind of gloomy, but hopefully it means the kiddos will nap well! I'm excited for Christmas this year - I know Wyatt is going to have so much fun, and Henry is going to love watching his brother get so excited!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Henry is 7 months old!

Henry, you are seven months old! You are changing every day and learning new things.

You are starting to Army crawl and roll to get to things. Yesterday I saw you get up on your knees for a few seconds for the first time! I'm in no hurry to see you crawl because we are going to have to do some massive baby-proofing, especially some of Wyatt's little toys!

You are such a good eater. You eat breakfast, lunch and supper now. The foods you have eaten so far are banana, applesauce, applesauce with oatmeal and cinnamon, sweet potato, avocado, blueberries with bananas, banana puffs, pancakes, and Ritz crackers. You like to sit in the high chair now at home, but not so much at restaurants!

You like to jump in the jumpy chair, and you like to play in the activity center. I think you've just started to notice the dogs now.

You light up when you see your brother, and when he is running around wild and crazy, you think it's hilarious!

I love you, my brown-eyed boy! You are such a sweetie!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


At the risk of jinxing myself, I just have to write a little post about this wonderful thing called sleep. Lately Henry has been a little fussy, and we think we have figured out that he is overly tired. So last night he was starting to get crabby so I rocked him to sleep, but when I went to lay him down he woke up. I had to get Wyatt ready for bed, so I left him awake (not crying) in his bassinet. I checked on him 5 minutes later and he was back asleep! So great. Tonight he nursed to sleep, but two hours earlier than normal. I think he's been tired! I was able to go get groceries by myself after the kiddos were asleep! It may seem silly, but it's the little bits of "mommy" time that keep me sane. Now we just need to get Henry to be happy when we go out to eat and not scream the whole time! :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Wyatt went Trick-or-treating for the first time this year! We dressed him up before, but this is the first year we went door to door.

Henry tagged along too - Wyatt was a dinosaur and Henry wore a coordinating hat. I'm very proud of that hat! :)

Happy birthday, Grandma Muffy!

What a cute little dinosaur!

And another cute little dinosaur!

All tuckered out from trick-or-treating! We had a lot of fun tonight!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Aaron's new job

So for those of you who haven't heard yet - Aaron got a new job! He is now the general manager at Ferrari's and the Park Place Event Center (in the PIPAC building). He started last Wednesday, and he is really enjoying it so far. It is really neat for him to have a job where he is the boss and gets to run things the way he thinks they should go. I think this is definitely the type of job he was made to do! Right now he is busy learning how they do things, meeting all of the staff, getting to know the company, etc. So... he is working more hours than his previous job. It's definitely a trade-off, but it is worth it. Tonight he is working late, so I had the kids by myself. Every month it gets a little easier to watch both of them at the same time - I can't even imagine how things will be a year from now! We had a pretty good night - Wyatt and I had leftovers for dinner, Henry had fresh pureed avocado, we played downstairs awhile, both kiddos got baths - Henry screamed, and Wyatt didn't want to get out... An episode of Word World for Wyatt, and then the process of bedtime! I think Wyatt finally went to sleep around 9, and Henry just shortly after that. Whew! Now I get a moment for myself, and then I'm going to get ready for tomorrow and go to bed. Last night Henry did not sleep well, so I'm hoping tonight he catches up on some sleep so I can!

Well... That's all for now. Life is busy but good. We are blessed to have Aaron working his new job that he really likes!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Henry is six months old (up a little late... :) )

Here is my little sweetie! He is getting so big - over six months old already!

Now that Henry is six months old, he is starting to get more mobile. No crawling or sitting up yet, but lots of rolling and wiggling and jumping in the bouncy chair!

He's eating more solids now, especially the past few days! I swear he is going through a growth spurt!
I love those little cheeks!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pumpkin Paradise

Today Aaron, Wyatt, Henry, and I went to Pumpkin Paradise - a pumpkin patch and entertainment area of sorts for little kids. Overall, the pumpkins were great, but the activities for the kids left something to be desired. I think next year we will see if there's another pumpkin patch near Waterloo.
Wyatt did enjoy riding the "horsey."

He also enjoyed running through the pumpkin field.

And driving the old tractor...

Henry didn't particularly care one way or another - next year he'll have more fun!

We've had a great weekend - last night we went to Bill's football game. Wyatt and Henry did great, and it was fun to see family. This morning we went to J's for breakfast - our usual Saturday morning breakfast place - and it was good as usual. After that the pumpkin patch, then home to put kids down for naps and clean! It's wonderful to have a clean kitchen and living room! Sad and frustrating to see the Hawks lose... But we still have Sunday! :)