Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturday fun with Daddy

Today Daddy and Wyatt built a fort in Wyatt's room!

They used all kinds of things... His toybox, storage bins, rocking chair, sheets, quilt, two brooms, some tape, and some clamps.

They didn't have any fun at all.

That's the door into the fort where Wyatt can crawl through.

And Wyatt inside his fort on lots of pillows!

"No girls allowed!!!" Stinks to be Mommy! Then Wyatt also said "No guys allowed." I think he means only Daddy and Wyatt allowed.

Well, we convinced him to let Henry in too. Henry wasn't so thrilled - he would have much rather been eating. :)
This is just a random picture of me with the boys after I was home from work this past week. Love all of my boys! :)

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