Sunday, April 3, 2011

Busy weekend, sick child

No pictures tonight. I probably should have taken some, but I didn't. In a few days, the blog will be inundated with pictures of Mr. Henry!

I took Friday off to get things ready, and I'm glad I did. I've been physically tired lately and I feel like Henry has dropped, so I'm just not comfortable. We've checked pretty much everything off the to-do list - Aaron has finished putting up the trim in the upstairs and then also in the downstairs bathroom... put up curtain rods and shelves... painted the mural in Henry's room... etc. etc. He's had quite the "honey-do" list. I've been cleaning and organizing and doing laundry like crazy (can you tell me how three people can make so much laundry??? Well, I guess Wyatt throwing up and having diarrhea has contributed a lot to the laundry. Yuck. :) ). This morning while Wyatt was eating breakfast and watching Sesame Street, I re-organized the linen closet and cleaned the kitchen. I also re-organized the shelves in our bathroom that are over the washer and dryer. I wanted to put up a tension curtain rod and some curtains to hide the shelves as a short term solution, but it just looked dorky. So we took it back down. Darn.

Henry's room is pretty much done - we haven't moved the chair into his room yet because our living room couch is being delivered tomorrow and I wanted something comfy to sit on in the interim. And... I'm waiting for the changing pad covers to come - they should be here by Tuesday! So hopefully when we leave to go to the hospital his room will be officially done. :) I'll post pictures when it's all in there. I'm very happy with how it's turned out. Wyatt's room is pretty much done too - it's definitely a little boy's room now. He added his own personal touch today when he took a pen and colored on the fabric on the ottoman that goes with the glider. Sigh. I walked in on him with the pen in hand, and he looked at me and said, "Oh no!" As if he had no idea who would do such a thing! I had a hard time not laughing at first, however, after scrubbing and scrubbing I was not so amused. Good thing he's so cute. :)

Well, two work days, and then it's the big day! Can't believe it's so soon!

1 comment:

Brenden Family said...

GOOD luck with everything!!! Praying for you! Excited to see this little man :)