Thursday, April 28, 2011

Three weeks old!

Henry is three weeks old, and the theme of the past few days is that he's been waking up! He's getting into a routine of being awake for a nice bit of time in the morning and then little patches throughout the day. Last night he did a 3.5 hour stretch for me. Usually I don't check the clock because it gets a little depressing seeing how little sleep I'm getting, but I did look last night and that was fairly encouraging. I have no expectations for a solid night of sleep for quite awhile - Wyatt didn't sleep through the night until he was 6 months old! (I know the "experts" say a 5 hour stretch is sleeping through the night - that's silly. No adult would call 5 hours of sleep a solid night's sleep. :) )
And Wyatt is still his silly old self. Tuesday and today he has stayed home from daycare - it's a little crazy in our house when I'm by myself with the two of them. I'm getting used to it though, and figuring out ways to still take a shower. :) Wyatt gets a little jealous now and then when I'm holding the baby and he wants my attention. Many times I'm able to put Henry in the bouncy chair and give Wyatt some undivided attention, but then many times I'm feeding the baby. He still loves to give the baby kisses and poke him in they eye... We're working on that! :)

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